(773) 415-7428
Recruitment Fraud
V Development Group LLC is monitoring an increased frequency of recruitment scams. Unscrupulous individuals are contacting job seekers and pretending to represent V Development Group LLC or specific persons at V Development Group LLC. These fraudsters use emails, texts, letters, faxes and phone calls to make false offers of employment with V Development Group LLC or to provide services related to employment (assistance in obtaining visa, travel arrangements, job training, proof of identity, etc.). The offers, which appear to be legitimate and may use V Development Group LLC's logo, often include specific details about a job description and related benefits such as salary, benefits, training and start date. The offers are often accompanied by requests for payment and/or sensitive personal information such as bank account information, credit card number, passport number or other information that could be used to commit identity theft.
If you are seeking employment with V Development Group LLC, you should guard against recruitment fraud and pay close attention to these important facts:
Neither V Development Group LLC nor our authorized third-party recruiting partners will ever ask for payments of any kind. V Development Group LLC does not collect personal banking, passport, visa or other sensitive personal data as part of the recruitment process. You should never send money or personal details to anyone suggesting they can provide employment with V Development Group LLC.
Legitimate emails from V Development Group LLC end in @vdevgroupllc.com. Messages from fraudsters often come from webmail addresses such as gmail.com, hotmail.com and yahoo.com, or from addresses that incorporate part of a company’s name, such as vdevllccorporation.com or VDevelopment Group-HR.com. Do not trust information provided to you from any domain name other than @vdevgroupllc.com.
Before making an employment offer, V Development Group LLC will always invite prospective employees, either by phone or email from a legitimate V Development Group LLC email account, to a formal, in-person interview.
Messages from fraudsters often contain spelling and grammatical errors.
If you receive unsolicited or suspicious offers of employment from V Development Group LLC, or simply want to verify the authenticity of an offer from V Development Group LLC, you are advised to immediately stop all communication with this individual and forward the unedited email message or details of the offer to contact@vdevgroupllc.com.
V Development Group LLC treats incidents of fraud seriously and, as appropriate, reports them to law enforcement agencies. If your personal information has been compromised, you are encouraged to do the same.